At Willowbrook Mead, we place great value in providing our children with a voice and giving them the confidence to use it.

We are a Voice 21 school, meaning that we teach oracy within as we recognise that this is a valuable tool for learning; enabling children to become effective speakers and listeners, which enables them to better understand themselves and the world around them. This is woven through all aspects of the curriculum, including Votes for School. This is a weekly programme, which poses an age-appropriate topic question each week, which is then debated. Throughout the week, children will learn information about the topic that is being discussed and then vote on whether they agree or disagree with the questions.

At the beginning of every year, children are provided with the opportunity to nominate themselves for one of three democratically elected roles:

  • Primary Leadership Team Leader
  • Eco Leader

Throughout the year, these children listen to the voices of their class and feedback to the other leaders to affect change across the school.

Primary Leadership Team

Each year, the Primary Leadership Team (PLT) meet to create an action plan of everything they would like to work on this year, both in school and within the community, as well as alongside the other TMET primary schools. Across the year, the assistant principal will organise meetings where the leaders and deputies have the opportunity to feedback the thoughts and ideas from their classes as well as working towards the actions for the year. In addition to this, the PLT will share their work with each building in assemblies.

Working with the community and developing community events that represent all cultures within our school is a huge focus of the PLT and one that they are incredibly passionate about.

PLT Action Plan 2022-23

The PLT team for this year are:

Reception: Lily and Yusuf

Year 1: Fatimah and Parfait-Marie

Year 2 – William, Jasmine, Kade and Alice

Year 3 – Nayan and Effie

Year 4 – Alyssa and Ava-Rae

Year 5 – Adam

Year 6 – Lily and Aisha

Eco Leader

Each year, the Eco leaders will work together to create an eco-friendly school. At the start of the year, the elected Eco-leaders will create an action plan of everything that they would like to improve or prioritise this year. This will include monitoring Travel Tracker and promote walking or biking to school over driving and each leader will carry out classroom tasks to ensure that everyone is saving electricity and recycling correctly across the school. They also share key messages and successes with each building within assemblies.

Eco Warriors Action Plan

Our amazing Eco Warriors are currently working on renewing our Green Flag status.

Our Eco Leaders are:

Year 2 – Mishka, Alice, Tanmayee

Year 3 – Effie, Ellie Mae, Madison, Fatima, Smarth, Diva

Year 4 – Harry, Tobias, Hannah, Teddy

Year 5 – Daisy

Year 6 – Kiara

Library Ambassadors

Our library ambassadors help our younger children navigate their way around our libraries and teach them how to keep it tidy.

They spend time putting returned books back and keeping the libraries tidy.

Our library ambassadors are:

Year 5 – Vidhi, Ava J, Elsie-Mia, Harkirat, Elli, Adam, Eira


When children have earned each of our 11 badges (green, yellow, red, blue, green merit, yellow merit, red merit, blue merit, bronze star, silver star, gold star) twice they then move on to our ambassador passport.  This encourages our children to become part of the wider school community by completing tasks such as writing an article for the newsletter, having a classroom job for a week, being a lunchtime helper for a week etc.

Once they have completed our ambassador passport they have earned Ambassador Status and in our “This is Your Life” style assembly they will receive a gold sash and ambassador badge and their name is etched onto our plaque in the main school reception area.

Our ambassadors are role models and become our “face” of the school completing tours to prospective parents and employees.