At Willowbrook Mead, our modern foreign language curriculum ensures that all pupils broaden their vocabulary and develop their speaking, listening, writing and reading abilities. We study French in Key Stage 2 from Year 3 through to Year 6 following the Primary Languages Network scheme, as well as being introduced from early years through songs and games to prepare children for KS2, introducing key vocabulary. The lessons are delivered by a native speaker and our members of staff at Willowbrook. Lessons are fun, engaging and interactive, so that children really enjoy the chance to learn a new language. They include singing, games, conversations and more.

By the end of Year 6 children will be able to converse in French using simple sentences, ask each other question about thinks they like and dislike and describe things around them using its features and characteristics.

Pupils are engaged and enjoy learning a new language. They reflect this in their books, which they carry along from Year 3 to Year 6, and in their classroom displays, where they can show their work as a class and make refence to them during lessons.

Here are some quotes from our children at Willowbrook about learning French:

‘I always wanted to learn French so I am happy we are doing it’. Year 5

‘It’s nice learning a new language, If I ever go to France I will be able to speak to others and make friends’. Year 6

‘It is fun to learn a new language. but hard sometimes’. Year 3

‘I like French because maybe one day I get to go to France’. Year 4

Our working walls

Children’s work

Scheme of work

Willowbrook’s teaching of French is supported by the Primary Languages Network, which ensures all pupils receive consistent and quality language lessons. This supporting resource places an experienced primary languages teacher and native speaker in every classroom, delivering weekly, high-quality video resources for every lesson throughout KS2.

If you would like to help your child improve their language skills, please use these links from the Primary Network Languages scheme of work.

Language of the month

As a school, we also have a Language of the Term. This allows children to learn different phrases, numbers and conversation topics in a different language each term. Some of the languages that we have learnt so far are:

  • Urdu
  • Gujarati
  • Spanish
  • French

Subject Champion/s

Mrs C Ward