Our Whole School Offer
Teaching Character and Mental Wellbeing at Willowbrook Mead
Our Journey
Mental health and wellbeing…
We have a detailed ‘health and wellbeing offer’ for our children, with a number of interventions aimed at those who need more in-depth support. Our ‘Removing Barriers to Learning Team’, consisting of our own Family Support Worker, Behaviour Mentor, SENCO and Inclusion support worker meet weekly to talk about the children on a case by case basis. We also have a ‘health and wellbeing offer’ for staff and we encourage staff to talk, share and have a self-awareness of their own character and wellbeing.
We use our specially designed Hygge room to support the interventions. Please see our Hygge page for more information
What have we seen?
- Children embracing sporting challenges and activities, e.g at the year 6 residential
- Children coping with SATs and formal testing with resilience and calmness, and therefore, doing their very best!
- Children presenting in assembly with confidence when they previously would not have done
- Children using words such as resilience, determination, empathy, kindness with each other
- Staff and children understanding and talking about their physical and mental health and how to improve it.
- Children and staff engaging in mindfulness independently.
- Children and staff seeking help and support when they need it.
Where next?
The teaching of character is a skill for life and we will continue to ensure that this principal sits at the heart of Willowbrook Mead. As an outward looking school, we are always looking to improve and adapt to the needs of the children, the community and events around us. We are interested in research and new ideas, but at the same time know we have developed a carefully considered model that is right for our community. Open minded, but carefully considered in knowing what to take on board.
We continue to promote teaching of mental health and, through projects such as The Young Gentlemen’s Project that we are doing with a group of year 5/6 boys, we aim to shift perceptions of mental health, particularly with boys.
Our willingness to talk about mental health, will further equip the children to be happy and healthy young adults when they transition to the next phase of their lives.
Useful Leaflets & links
Mental-wellbeing-support-for-children-and-young-people NHS LPT MHST – Primary leaflet (1)
These are some links to mental health activities and support for children
‘Mentally Healthy Schools’