In the 2021-2022 academic year we opened our new Designated Specialist Provision (DSP) called The Willow.  The Willow has been created to help children in Key Stage 2 with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

Our aims

Our aim is to support all students to ‘be the best version of themselves’. This flows through everything that we do at The Willow. In turn it is how we aim for our children to view themselves and their progress. We consistently link this to the ‘Willowbrook Way’.

Willowbrook Mead is committed to our vision of ‘Brighter Futures, Learning Together.’

 As a result, we are dedicated to our aims:

We make learning fun and make the most of our resources

We expect our children to achieve their best

We believe in connecting learning in an exciting way

All children’s needs are met

We work in partnership with others

We believe in lifelong learning

We value and nurture the development of character


The Willowbrook Way of be kind, be responsible and work hard encapsulates our expectations of each student, has its basis in the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.

 In addition, the Willowbrook Way sets out daily expectations for our children and aims to ensure that there is a consistent structure in place, detailing what is expected and why these actions are important.

 We want to inspire a love of learning through a purposeful and rich learning environment. Our curriculum is child centred and focuses on key aspects of the world and character. This ensures that children focus on what is important to them whilst they are with us.

Our ambition is that children will make accelerated personalised progress. Gaps in learning will be supported through our assessment procedure and bespoke curriculum.

Emotional literacy is at the forefront of everything that we do. By building effective positive relationships, staff will support the children to develop their emotional intelligence.


Kate Bentley – SENDCO and Inclusion lead

Jamie Lynch – Lead Teacher

Flynn Lowe-Spicer – HLTA and Behaviour Mentor

Julie Pender – HLTA

3x Level 2 Teaching Assistants

The Willow Prospectus

The Willow Handbook

DSP Schools Provision Statement