What is the Age Range of pupils at Willowbrook Mead
3 to 11
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) Mrs K Bentley
Academy Councillor with responsibility for SEND TBC
Contact Information Email (admin)
[email protected]
Local Offer Webpage Link https://www.leicester.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/special-educational-needs-sen/
Date SENCO held NASENCO November 2021


Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy is proud to be an inclusive school, valuing the individuality of all children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations of all our children. The achievements, attitudes and well being of all our children matter and are celebrated. This section shares the policies and practices that we have in place to ensure these aspirations become apparent.

What is SEND?

The Code of Practice 2014 states that:

‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’

The Four broad areas of need identified within the SEN Code of Practice 2014 are:

  • Communication and Interaction (e.g. speech articulation, stammering, speech and language delay, autism etc)
  • Cognition and Learning (e.g. global learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyscalculia etc)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorders, obsessive, compulsive disorder (OCD) etc)
  • Sensory and Physical Needs (Visual impairment, hearing impairment, sensory needs (e.g. autism, dyspraxia, toileting issues, physical disability etc)

Local Offer – How Can The Local Offer Help?

We can help you find services for children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25. You can start finding services by searching on this website.
In addition to helping you find services, the Local Offer:

  • Helps you understand what schools and service providers are required to do for SEND children and young people
  • Helps the parents and carers of young people with SEND find support for themselves
  • Clarifies who is responsible for services for SEND children and young people
  • Gives you the information you need to ensure your SEND child can thrive

Click here https://mychoice.leicester.gov.uk/

If you have any queries regarding Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, please speak to our SENCO, Mrs K Bentley.

Family Information – SEND Local Offer (leicester.gov.uk)

Type of SEND Provision in Place
Communication and Interaction (e.g. speech and articulation, stammering, speech and language delay, autism etc.)
  •  Exposure to Language
  • Speaking and listening cue cards (Active Listening)
  • Pre-teaching language
  • Language groups
  • Speech and Language therapy service support for assessed individuals.
  • Adult modelling of grammar and pronunciation
  • Play interaction (1:1 and small group intervention for children who struggle with their peers)
  • 1:1 speech and language intervention using child’s SALT plan
  • Strategies taught to manage stammer as recommended by external Speech and Language Therapist
  • Individual visual timetable
  • Visual aids to help learning
Cognition and learning (e.g. global learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyscalculia etc)
  •  TA support within year groups.
  • LCI involvement for assessments, advice and recommendations
  • Pupil passports with personalised targets

 English Focus

  • Bench marking
  • Quick literacy check
  • Regular 1:1 reading.
  • Encouraging reading at home
  • Reciprocal reading
  • 1:1 and small group phonics
  • Complete dyslexia/dyspraxia checklist differentiated spellings.
  • BRP / Reading Recovery
  • Personal resources (writing slopes, dictionaries, pencil grips etc)
  • TRUGs intervention
  • Dyslexia Gold intervention programme

Maths Focus

  • Breaking Barriers Numicon
  • Use of physical equipment
  • Use of ICT
Social, Emotional and mental Health Difficulties (e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive discord (OCD) etc.)
  • Positive behaviour plans.
  • Boxall profile/Coventry Grids
  • R-Time – Personalised reward charts
  • Running plans/risk assessments
  • Support for developing character muscles
  • Team Teach trained staff.
  • Play interaction.
  • Fun time sessions
  • Breakfast club
  • Lunchtime plan for vulnerable children
  • Support from SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health Team)
  • Emotional Literacy Intervention
  • Trained ELSA
  • Hygge Room
  • Communication cards
  • Lego Therapy
  • Zones of Regulation
Sensory and Physical Needs (Visual impairment, hearing impairment, sensory needs (e.g. autism, dyspraxia, toileting issues, physical disability etc.)
  • Wheelchair access and lift to the second floor of the building.
  • Disabled toilet and changing facilities.
  • USE of ICT – iPad to support board chare and laptops.
  • School nurse
  • Occupational therapy advice followed – Now/next boards.
  • Visual timetables
  • Advice from outside agencies – HI, VI, LAS

Where can I find the schools Accessibility Policy?

TMET Accessibility Plan

What are the admission arrangement for pupils with SEND at Willowbrook Mead?

All parents wishing to apply for a place at Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy should do so via Leicester City Council, the address of which is on their website.  Parents have the right to express a preference for the school they want for their child.  Applicaitons are online via the Leicester City Council website.  Applications must be submitted to the council by the specified date, which is published annually.  When places are allocated to children a member of the school admin team will contact the family and previous school (if applicable) to determine and SEND requirements.  An induction meeting is then arranged and the SENDCo notified.  An additional meeting with the SENDCo may be required if a child has an Educational, Health and Care Plan or high level of need to ensure provision can be provided and is in place before the child starts.

What are the arrangements for supporting pupils with SEN who are looked after by the local authority?

All of our classrooms are inclusion-friendly; we aim to teach in a way that will support children with tendancies towards dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD etc.  This is good practice to support all children but is vital for those who particularly need it.  All of our children access the full National Curriculum, and we recognise achievement and expertise in all curricular areas.  As part of normal class differentiation, curriculum content and ideas can be simplified and made more accessible by using visual, tactile and concrete resources.

What expetise and training of staff do Willowbrook Mead provide to support pupils with SEN?

All of our teachers are trained to work with children with SEN.  Some are very experienced, and others less so, but all have access to advie, information, resources and training to enable them to teach all children effectively.  We offer training and self-help opportunities through access to in house or LA courses, provision of books or guidance towards useful websites,  Some of our TAs have expertise and training on other areas of specific interventions.  We are working towards a model of ‘experts’ in different areas of SEND.  All TAs work with children with SEN and disabilities.  if we identify information we can’t access without the aid of additional, more specialist help, the school is able to access additional expertise from the LA.  This includes access to Educational Psychologists and Advisory Teachers.

What facilities are provided to assist access to the academy?

Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy is disability friendly.  The infant end of the building is all on one level with corridors which are wide and easy accisible toilets.  Our Junior end is split over two levels, with lift access.  Where and when appropriate we make changes to the environment or building that are necessary for children with physical or sensory disabilities.

In this section also please see the schools accessibility policy for increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the academy’s curriculum, improving the physical environment of the academy for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the academy, and improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled.

What equipment and facilities do we have to support pupils with SEND?

Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy identifies the needs of SEND pupils and will put together a provision map to highlight support, interventions and adaptation to the curriculum.  For pupils with outside agency support, teachers produce an individual pupil passport with the child.  This is written alongside the child and outlines their personal goals/targets, celebrates their strengths and identifies what support will be in place.  This will include use of equipment e.g. practical equipment, ICT equipment; targeted interventions, differentiated learning programme.  All paperwork outlining specific targets and provision in place is shared with parents.

What support services are available?

  • Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
  • Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • Learning, Communication and Interaction Team (LCI)
  • Vision and Hearing support service
  • Primary Social, Emotional and Mental Health Service
  • School Nurse
  • Single Point of Contact (SPOC) referral for medical needs
  • Neighbourhood clusters
  • Pastoral Support Worker
  • Early Help
  • ADHD solutions

How does Willowbrook Mead adapt the curriculum and the learning environment of pupils with SEND?

All of our classrooms are inclusion-friendly; we aim to teach in a way that will support children with tendancies towards dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD etc.  This is good practice to support all children but is vital for those who particularly need it.  All of our children access the full National Curriculum, and we recognise achievement and expertise in all curricular areas.  As part of normal class differentiation, curriculum content and ideas can be simplified and made more accessible by using visual, tactile and concrete resources.

How does Willowbrook Mead ensure that pupils with SEN are enabledto engage in activities available with pupils in the academy who do not have SEN?

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class.  Lessons are differentiated and activities set to match the needs of each child.  Teachers will make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum to meet individual need.  At Willowbrook Mead, we have a well-designed curriculum with strong teaching and learning.  All of our children have equal access to before school, lunchtime and after school clubs which develop engagement with the wider curriculum.  Where necessary, we make amendments and adaptation to meet the physical and learning needs of our children.  Class trips are part of our curriculum and we aim for children to benefit from them.  No child is excluded from a trip because of SEND or medical needs.

What steps are taken to prevent pupils with SEND from being treated less favourably than other pupils?

The SENDco regularly monitors the provision, teaching and learning opportuinites for SEND pupils and data is monitored following each data point to ensure progress and attainment is in line with their non-SEND peers where possible.  Findings from the above informs TA deployment and interventions.  The school promotes an inclusive behaviour policy and reward system which allows for individual achievement to be acknowledged and celebrated.  Phase leaders keep a log of behaviour incidents and this is monitored regularly to ensure any persistent behaviour issues are followed up with additional support.  We have a focus on developing character muscles with all staff modelling and teaching the characteristics of each one.

How will Willowbrook Mead evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with SEN?

Targets for children at SENS are deliberately challenging in the attempt to close the attainment gap between the children and their peers.  Interventions are often crucial in closing these gaps, so are monitored closely by both the class teacher – who monitors progress towards the targets during the intervention – and by the SENDCo who monitors overall progress after the intervention.

  • Interventions are planned in blocks and have a clear entry and exit criteria.
  • At the end of each block, children’s progress towards their targets is assessed and recorded.
  • A decision is then made as to whether to continue the intervention, to swap to a new interventions, or to allow a period of consolidation in class.

The SENDCo and subject leaders monitor interventions to identify ‘what works’.

How does Willowbrook Mead assess and review pupil’s progress towards outcomes?

Once a child has been identified as needs SENS, some of the following paperwork may need to be completed.

This means that the child has outcomes that are in addition to their class targets:

  • Intervention group targets
  • Timetabled extra provision on a provision map (PM)
  • Checklists
  • Assessment and tests
  • Schools internal monitoring paperwork
  • Element 3 funding applications
  • Positive Behaviour Plan (PBP)
  • Care plans
  • Personal Education Plan (PEP)
  • Pupil passports
  • School Contract for tranisition
  • Proposal for Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Running plans/Risk assessments

Referral to an outside agency listed below:

  • Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
  • Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • Learning, Communication and Interaction Team (LCI)
  • Vision and hearing support service
  • Primary Social, Emotional and Mental Health Service
  • School Nurse
  • Single Point Contact (SPOC) referral for medical needs
  • Early Help

All SEN paperwork is shared with parents at least 3 times a year following assessment periods.  At this time, other external reports are also given to parents.

How does Willowbrook Mead consult parents of children with SEND and involve then in their child’s education?

We aim to have good and informative relationships with all of our parents.  If a child is experiencing difficulties, parents will be informed either at parents’ meetings (Autumn and Spring terms) or during informal meetins to discuss the child’s progress.  A summary ‘mid-year report’ is given out during the Spring Term and a formal written end of year report will be sent at the end of the Summer Term.  Other informal meetings may be scheduled at other times throughout the year and parents are welcome to seek advice and support about their child at any pre-arranged time.  Parents are invited to contribute to meetings 3 times per year (following assessment periods) where they will be asked to contribute to outcomes for their child and they will review progress towards previous targets.  Care plans will be reveiwed annually, unless medical conditions change, under guidance from the schools ‘Supporting children with medical conditions’ policy.

How does Willowbrook Mead consult pupils with SEND and involve them in their educaiton?

All pupils have the right to be involved in making decision and exercising choice (SEND code of practice, 2015).  At all times pupils are engaged in their education and encouraged to develop sustainable skills and strategies that enable them to overcome the barriers to their learning successfully.  All children with personalised targets on a pupil passport, a positive behaviour plan or an EHCP are fully involved in creating them.  Their views are also valued and listened to in the review process.

What support for improving emotional and social development does Willowbrook Mead offer?

All children are treated as individuals and all adults work together to meet every child’s academic and pastoral support needs.  Emotional literacy is a crucial part of a child’s development and well-being, and all aspects of this are considered.  Behaviour is not classified as SEND.  If a child shows consistent unwanted behaviours, the class teacher will assess the child’s needs, taking into account family circumstances and the child’s known history of experiences.  If the child’s behaviour is responded to consistently in line with our Behaviour Policy, although reasonable adjustments are made to accomodate individual needs.  The school has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, especially towards children with SEND,  We actively investigate all allegations and, if there is a casue, work with both the bully and the victim to improve their social skills.

How does Willowbrook Mead involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector orgainsations, in meeting pupil’s SEN and supporting their families?

The school aims to work in partnership with other agencies in order to provide an integrated support based on the needs of the student.  The SENDCo liaises with the other SENDCos from within the Trust and as part of the LA network meetings.

How does Willowbrook Mead support pupils with SEND in the transfer between phases of education/the preparation for adulthood and independent living?

Transition into and within school: We understand how difficult it is for children and parents as they move into a new class or a new school and will do what we can, accoridng to the individual needs of the child, to make transitions between classes – including from Nursery and Reception – as smoothly as possible.  This may include, for example:

  • Additional meetings for the paretns and child with the new teacher.
  • Additional visit to the classroom enviroment in order to identify where toilets are, where the pegs are etc.
  • Opportunities to take photographs of key people and places in order to make a transition booklet or social story.
  • Enhanced transition arrangement are tailored to meet individual needs.

Transition to Secondary School: The secondary school SENDCo is invited to Annual Reviews and other review meetings.  Additional transition arrangment cay be made at these reviews e.g. extra visits, travel training etc.

What are the arrangment for handling complaints from parents of children with SEn about the provision made at Willowbrook Mead?

The school works, wherever possible, in partnership with parents to ensure a collaborative approach to meeting pupils; needs.  All complaints are taken seriously and are heard through the school’s complaints policy and procedure.  For concerns and questions about SEND pupils, parents are welcome to contact Mrs S Lee (SENDCo) through the school office on 0116 2413756.