At Willowbrook Mead, we work in partnership with our parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that all children feel safe, secure and their voices are heard.
As part of our school offer, we are privileged to have a dedicated Removing Barriers to Learning Team (RB2L) to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of the children are met. The team consists of our:
- Family Support Worker (FSW) Mrs Cottis
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Ms Halford
- Behaviour Mentor (BM) Miss Thompson
There are times in our lives when we need a little extra support, either emotionally or physically. Our RB2L team will actively listen and use a non-judgemental approach to find the best solutions for you and your family. Nurture breakfast and lunch club are available every day if children need a little more TLC on certain days.
What support can our ELSA give?
Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant attends specialist training from Educational Psychologists to support the emotional development of children. ELSA’s help children to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them, support with conflict resolution, confidence/self-esteem or specific needs including anxiety or bereavement.
What support can our FSW offer?
Our Family Support Worker works in partnership with parents/carers and their children to ensure the children feel safe, secure and their basic needs are met. The FSW bridges the gap between home and school to ensure all member of the family are supported. Mrs Cottis works with a range of agencies across Leicestershire and is happy to signpost or refer families when needed. She is happy to attend appointments, complete forms and help with school admission application if needed.
What support can our BM offer?
Our Behaviour Mentor, will help children overcome behavioural, social or emotional problems that could be affecting their learning. She will work in partnership with parents and share strategies to promote positive behaviour both at school and home. Miss Thompson monitors behaviour, implements positive behaviour plans and rewards children with R-Time at the end of each day.
If you would like any additional support please call us or send a message to the relevant staff member on Class Dojo.