At Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy, we believe that homework is a valuable and integral part of a child’s learning. We aim to create an effective partnership between parents and school to maintain commitment to homework as an essential part of a child’s education.
The principle of homework changes as the children progress through the school. Homework is initially designed to reinforce basic learning and skills through simple games and activities. As the children get older, homework provides the opportunity to develop the skills of independent learning – this should increasingly become its main purpose. By Year 6, the children are expected to handle homework independently weekly, to aid a smooth transition to Secondary School.
Homework Incentives:
All children in Years 2-6, who complete their homework will now be given 5 dojo points, when their homework is handed in on a Friday. In Year 6, this includes the CGP books.
EYFS and Year 1: Pictures can be sent on Class Dojo to their respective teacher and completed homework will also be given 5 dojo points.
Below is an example of the homework sheet that children in Years 2 – 6 will be given weekly.
As well as this, children in Years 2-6 are provided with a levelled reading book and a reading for pleasure book. Children in these year groups will be expected to read to an adult in their home at least three times a week. Children have also been provided with their MyON, Numbots, TT Rockstars and Letter Join login details, which can also be accessed from home.
EYFS and Year 1
Children in EYFS and Year 1 will be given a phonetically decodable reading book levelled for your child and a reading for pleasure book. These books will be given to your child and then taken home. Children in EYFS and Year 1 should be reading to the adult in their home at least three times a week and this should be recorded in their reading journal.
Children will also be given a phonics home learning book which will be sent home for the children to complete with their parent/carer, which links to the phonics sounds they have been learning.
In Year 1, children are provided with their usernames and passwords for Numbots and Times Table Rockstars, so that they can practice their maths skills and also their times tables.
All children who complete their homework and bring it back into school on a Friday will receive 5 dojo points.
Parent/Carer Information
At Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy, we encourage our parents and carers to take an active part in their child’s homework. As a school, we provide information about the sorts of topics/activities carried out in our school at the beginning of each academic year and the curriculum can be accessed on the website.
Parents/Carers should:
- Provide a peaceful and suitable working environment
- Make it clear to their child that they value homework and encourage homework to be completed
- Show an interest in the work that their child is expected to complete and allow the child to carry out the task rather than completing the task themselves
- Use lots of praise if homework is carried out
- Encourage their child to talk about what he/she has been doing in school and about what is expected each week
- Be aware of their child’s latest learning targets and support their child in progressing towards them
- Make an appointment to discuss any issues arising concerning homework with the child’s class teacher
Our Online Learning Platforms
All can be accessed through the student portal on the school website. All links can be found below:
Username: Willowbrook
Password: Draw an ‘L’ shape starting at the top left.