There is a school uniform which is worn throughout the school. All children at Willowbrook Mead are expected to wear the school uniform.  At Willowbrook Mead we believe a school uniform helps children as:

• It gives the children a sense of belonging and being part of the school
• The risk of bullying regarding a pupils clothing is significantly reduced
• When attending school outings, children can easily be identified as belonging to Willowbrook Mead
• It prepares children for secondary school
• Book bags support children’s reading progress and links with home/school.

Uniform items, with the school logo, are available to buy on the school app.  House coloured PE t-shirts are also available on the app.  If you are unsure what colour t-shirt your child requires please speak to your child’s class teacher. All non-branded school uniform can be purchased from any high street retailers.


  • White shirt/blouse/polo shirt
  • Grey or Black trousers/shorts (Black jeans & leggings are not acceptable)
  • Black or Grey skirts/pinafore dresses or Blue and White check dresses
  • Navy Blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan – plain OR with the Willowbrook logo (not black or grey) and not hooded
  • Black school shoes
  • Book bag


Due to limited space within the cloakroom areas we ask that children refrain from bringing in large rucksacks. Instead we highly encourage foldable bags which can be stored in the children’s drawers.


No jewellery should be worn at school except for a medic-alert tags, a simple watch and/or stud earrings. No jewellery should be worn during P.E. or swimming lessons, except for a medic-alert tags.


We request that your child has a waterproof coat with them in school on any day when it may be required.

All uniform is required to be worn all year round.

On PE days children can come to school in their PE kit and wear it all day.  We have found it is easier for children and we have noticed a decrease in the number of children losing their uniform.  Discussions with parents show they agree.


  • Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
  • House coloured t-shirt or white t-shirt
  • Jumper/ hoodie (plain no logos)
  • Trainers/Plimsoles


All Year 4 children go swimming. Appropriate swimwear must be worn. Kit must include a towel and a bag.  Jewellery must removed prior to swimming lessons. Children may wear goggles, but a permission letter must have been received prior to the lesson.